welcome to the tales of our crazy life

I'm Heather. I'm over-caffeinated, under appreciated and constantly amused by these two crazy peeps we call our daughters.

I started this blog in April 2006 because I don't want to forget a single second of this awesome life. Why a blog? Because I'm a slacker. That's why.

Baby books? I'd actually have to find a pen. Have you SEEN my house? (Shhhhhhht...NOT a question). Scrapbooking? Puh-lease. When you can add six more hours in the day MAYBE we'll talk about it. I do like to sleep. Occasionally.

Where's Tim Gunn When I Need Him?

I came home to some serious Project Runway action this afternoon. Roo and Lu declared that they were having a "majorly serious fashion design competition".

Chris and I couldn't possibly pick the winner and I seem to have misplaced Tim Gunn's number. (DESIIIIIIIIIIGNNNERSSS...)

So...Roo asked me to blog their designs and get our readers to vote for their favorite. (Does my girl know how to work the internet or what?)

To keep this "majorly serious fashion design competition" fair I won't say who created which design so please leave a comment to vote for the design on the left or the right.

The stakes are high, people! Winner gets double dessert tonight.


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