welcome to the tales of our crazy life

I'm Heather. I'm over-caffeinated, under appreciated and constantly amused by these two crazy peeps we call our daughters.

I started this blog in April 2006 because I don't want to forget a single second of this awesome life. Why a blog? Because I'm a slacker. That's why.

Baby books? I'd actually have to find a pen. Have you SEEN my house? (Shhhhhhht...NOT a question). Scrapbooking? Puh-lease. When you can add six more hours in the day MAYBE we'll talk about it. I do like to sleep. Occasionally.


I can't believe we're celebrating The Lu's seventh birthday. It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital struggling to decide on a name for our squishy little babe.
Here we are seven years later and she's the girl with a million nicknames. It didn't take long for Lucee Olivia to become Lucee Lu, Lulu, Papa Lu, Lula Bean, Lula Belle, Louie, Tallulah, Tallulah Mae and of course, The Lu.
And when it comes to names she lives by the same theory as Papa. She doesn't care what you call her as long as you call her in time for supper.
To celebrate her birthday we had a fabulous face painting party. The uber-talented MJ and Cody from Sister Act Face Painting made her party absolutely unforgettable!

Happy Seventh Birthday Lu! We love you more than anything in the world.


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