welcome to the tales of our crazy life

I'm Heather. I'm over-caffeinated, under appreciated and constantly amused by these two crazy peeps we call our daughters.

I started this blog in April 2006 because I don't want to forget a single second of this awesome life. Why a blog? Because I'm a slacker. That's why.

Baby books? I'd actually have to find a pen. Have you SEEN my house? (Shhhhhhht...NOT a question). Scrapbooking? Puh-lease. When you can add six more hours in the day MAYBE we'll talk about it. I do like to sleep. Occasionally.

Thank You, Andrew Zimmern

Thank you very much.

If it weren't for you I wouldn't have had to explain BALLS to my 6 and 7 year old daughters.

Without thinking about some of the "parts" he eats we tuned into watch Bizarre Foods tonight. You know...that episode from Thailand where ate rooster balls? Yeaaaaah, that one.

Roo heard him say balls and started to giggle. I just assumed she had no idea what balls were so I asked what was so funny. (Again with the not thinking thing...) She replied with an even bigger giggle and said,"Mom, he's eating a rooster's penis."

And I felt the need to clarify. You know, because I wanted to stick with that not thinking theme, here. And because I wanted to explain BALLS to my 6 and 7 year old daughters. NOT!

Thank you very much, Mr. Zimmern. You can go back to eating your rooster balls now.


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