welcome to the tales of our crazy life

I'm Heather. I'm over-caffeinated, under appreciated and constantly amused by these two crazy peeps we call our daughters.

I started this blog in April 2006 because I don't want to forget a single second of this awesome life. Why a blog? Because I'm a slacker. That's why.

Baby books? I'd actually have to find a pen. Have you SEEN my house? (Shhhhhhht...NOT a question). Scrapbooking? Puh-lease. When you can add six more hours in the day MAYBE we'll talk about it. I do like to sleep. Occasionally.

Studying Rabbits

Chris heard that there's a school talent show coming up and when he told the girls he was going to enter and showed them a few of his not-so-mad dance skills Rilee said, "I'm going to ask if I can be expelled."

I couldn't get past "The Running Man" to even start laughing at her
comment. But I was able to egg him on a little by requesting "The Cabbage Patch" and "The Roger Rabbit".

When neither of us could actually remember how to "Roger Rabbit" I said, "I know...I'll google it".

Roo said, "Mom, you google everything!" I told her that google helps me figure things out and she responded, "Uh, mom, most people just study to figure things out".


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